Appellate Services

Filing details should be the last thing on your mind.

Filing details should be the last thing on your mind. Avalon works with attorneys to prepare, produce, and file briefs and records in New York State. We handle hundreds of appellate matters a year, so you can focus on crafting your arguments without needing to worry about the specific document handling rules handed down by the courts.

Our experts are here to simplify the appellate process for you by doing the following:
  • Consult with you concerning your project
  • Take inventory and organize original documents
  • Retrieve any missing documents from the clerk’s office of the court of origin
  • Draft Tables of Contents and Tables of Authorities
  • Digitally add page numbers and page headers
  • Annotate and deskew pages to enhance scan and image quality
  • Prepare appellate documents (e.g., Stipulations, 5531 Statement)
  • Prepare draft copies for review by all parties
  • File and serve with certified proof of filing and service
  • Ensure that your Record and Brief adhere to court rules
  • Provide the court with a text-searchable PDF of the Record and Brief